The Technical Working Group (TWG) is supporting the Databases Committee, the Board and SCAPR members in their technical developments. It has become a useful forum for technicians and distribution experts of member societies to exchange technical issues and knowledge.
Within the TWG, members societies are asked for input and feedback on operational and technical (local) needs, new features and changed SCAPR business rules in order to incorporate these needs and features in the SCAPR IT projects; e.g. IPD, VRDB and XML exchange formats (SDEG, statements).
The TWG provides experts to both the Subcommittees and short-term Working Groups constituted for data analyses or specific projects. The TWG is regularly informed about the ongoing works from these technical groups in charge of specific projects.
During each TWG meeting, the members review and discuss Key Performance Indicators to ensure SCAPR systems remain functional from a technical and a data perspective; e.g. usage, trends in notification, candidates, duplicates and conflicts handling and technical integration. Based on these KPI’s advice to member Societies and system users is provided and bottlenecks in core processes are identified and analysed.