Madrid born José Luis Sevillano graduated as an Engineer in Telecommunications from the Technical University of Madrid. Holding an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa IE, he has since 1984, developed his professional career in the New Technologies area, through his consulting roles in various aspects of telecommunications and computer science.
Since joining AIE (Spanish Collecting Society for Musician’ rights) in 1994, José Luis has shown himself fully dedicated to advancing the management of artists’ intellectual property rights. To this end, he has been actively involved in the development of systems used in international rights management (Sirex, Grix, IPD). In 1999 he became AIE’s General Manager. AIE is now considered one of the most active and advanced in the world in regards to international activity, and is a strong force in the push to develop rights for artists in some Latin- American countries. As a member of various committees formed by the main international organizations of societies of artists, José Luis complements his activities, by his participation in groups of experts in Telecommunications, and its links with DRM content and systems. From 2009 until its closure, he was President of IPDA (International Performers’ Database Association) and since 2011 has been a member of the Board of ISNI (International Standard Numbering Identifier).
As a member of the SCAPR Board since 2012, he has chaired the Information Technology Committee (ITC) from its foundation and has been Chairman of the Databases Committee from its creation in 2017 until September 2019.
He has been unanimously appointed Chairman of the Board of SCAPR on 2 June 2022 during the 47th General Assembly of SCAPR, in Rome.