Gregor Štibernik began his career back in 2006 at the then newly established IPF where he remained until 2015. In 2010 AIPA the Slovenian audiovisual authors, actors and film producers Society was created and they reached out to him to manage their society.
During his career he has been General Secretary of the Slovenian Phonogram Producers’ Association from 2008 until 2011.
On the International front he has been very active, especially in the region of Western Balkans, CEE and CIS countries on various missions, seminars and other cooperation & development activities. His focus is on practical experience in collective management, especially in setting up the functioning and operational system of enforcement of copyright and related rights.
He was elected to the SCAPR board for the first time in 2010, stepped back in 2018 and was re-elected at the 2020 General Assembly. Apart from SCAPR, Gregor is a Board member of both the Society of Audiovisual Authors and the Slovenian Music Information Centre.